Skin checks, skin cancer surgery and non surgical procedures in Maitland and the Hunter Valley
Early prevention and your peace of mind
Full and Spot Skin Checks
We offer full skin checks as well as spot checks of any concerning moles/lesions. We recommend regular skin checks for prevention and early treatment of skin cancers for all individuals.
Skin cancer excisions with cosmetic consideration
Surgical Management of Skin Cancers
We do biopsies for suspicious lesions and excisions of all skin cancers with full cosmetic consideration and minimal downtime.
Alternatives to excision
Non-Surgical Management of Skin Cancers
We offer non-surgical treatment options like cryotherapy or topical medications for certain superficial skin cancers if safe and feasible.
Managing benign skin lesions
Cosmetic Removal of Benign Skin Lesions
We offer cosmetic removals of benign skin lesions such as skin tags, cysts, lipomas etc.