Vascular Laser treatment in the Hunter

Vascular lesions treatment (Long pulse Nd:YAG 1064nm Laser and IPL)

The 1064 Nd laser effectively penetrates below the skin to target blood vessels, making it an ideal solution for treating prominent vessels and vascular malformations. This long pulse laser is particularly useful for spot treatments of visible capillaries, spider veins, spider angiomas, and cherry angiomas on both the face and body.

The laser delivers a quick pulse of light and heat to the skin, which eliminates and seals the visible part of the vein. This type of laser passes harmlessly through the skin but targets red blood cells, causing them to heat up. The heated red blood cells then damage the blood vessel, causing it to collapse and shrink. This process leads to the shrinkage and eventual disappearance of unwanted dilated blood vessels. The treatment is fast, and cooling is applied throughout to minimise discomfort. The Nd 1064 nm laser treatment effectively reduces redness and facial flushing, and clears angiomas and prominent veins with high safety and efficacy.

IPL Vascular Maitland

Both the IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) and the Nd 1064 nm lasers are suitable for treating spider veins on the face and body but are not recommended for treating varicose veins in the legs. Varicose veins require a stronger vascular laser, typically treated at vein clinics or by vascular surgeons.

The IPL offers the advantage of treating larger areas at once due to its larger treatment window, making it effective for conditions marked by general redness, such as rosacea. It can efficiently treat many fine vessels simultaneously. After initial IPL treatment, finer capillaries can be spot treated with the Nd:YAG laser to enhance the overall effect. Depending on the pressure from deeper vessels, it may take 1-3 treatments to completely resolve the vascular issue.


  • What causes cherry angiomas?
  • Who gets cherry angiomas?
  • What do cherry angiomas look like?
  • How do you prevent cherry angiomas?
  • Can you have a cherry angioma in your teens or 20s?
  • Are cherry angiomas normal?
  • How many cherry angiomas are normal?
  • Can cherry angiomas grow?
  • Are cherry angiomas contagious?
  • Are cherry angiomas flat?
  • Are cherry angiomas dangerous?
  • Can cherry angiomas bleed?
  • How are cherry angiomas treated?
  • How many laser treatments will I need to remove the cherry angioma?
  • Can cherry angiomas be treated with cream?
  • What causes rosacea?
  • How is rosacea treated?
  • What are some general measures to treat facial redness and rosacea?
  • What causes prominent veins and capillaries?
  • Can broken capillaries or prominent veins heal on their own?
  • Can broken capillaries bleed?
  • Can broken capillaries on the face be treated?
  • Can broken capillaries and prominent veins fade?
  • Why do broken capillaries and prominent veins on the face occur?
  • What causes broken capillaries on the nose?
  • Are broken capillaries on the face permanent?
  • Are broken capillaries rosacea?
  • Are broken capillaries dangerous?
  • Are broken capillaries the same as spider veins?
  • Are telangiectasia broken capillaries?
  • Does alcohol make broken capillaries worse?
What causes cherry angiomas?

Cherry angiomas, also known as red spots or Campbell de Morgan spots, are benign harmless, but permanent overgrowth of skin blood vessels. They tend to increase in size and number with age, and often have no cause. One study showed 75% of people at the age of 75 have at least 1. Occasionally, they can be secondary to hormonal changes.

They are typically not a cause for concern unless they are changing size, shape, or are bleeding frequently. If this occurs see your local doctor for an assessment.

Who gets cherry angiomas?

They are very common in all races and ages. They become more common with age.

What do cherry angiomas look like?

They are often small bright red circular or oval structures that can range from a pinhead to half a cm in size. They may be flat, raised, red, blue, or varying shades of purple. If they become thrombosed (blood clots within them), they may appear black.

Any changing or black lesion should be evaluated by a doctor.

How do you prevent cherry angiomas?

There is no known way to prevent cherry angiomas from growing.

Can you have a cherry angioma in your teens or 20s?

While they are more common in older age, they are normal in teens and those in their 20s.

Are cherry angiomas normal?

Yes. Most people will have at least one cherry angioma on their body at some point in their lives.

How many cherry angiomas are normal?

There is no determined normal number of cherry angiomas. Some people have one, some have hundreds.

What is not normal is if you have increasing numbers appearing. This should prompt you to visit your doctor for assessment.

Can cherry angiomas grow?

Yes. They can tend to slowly grow over time. Some, however, may form then stay the same size.

Are cherry angiomas contagious?

No. Cherry angiomas are not contagious.

Are cherry angiomas flat?

Whilst most are slightly raised. There are some cherry angiomas that are flat. All cherry angiomas will start off flat when they are developing.

Are cherry angiomas dangerous?

True cherry angiomas present on the skin are not dangerous. However, as with any new skin lesion, these should be checked by your doctor

Can cherry angiomas bleed?

Yes. Although uncommon, If exposed to trauma they may bleed.

How are cherry angiomas treated?

These red spots are easily removed with IPL. Treatments take up to 5 minutes and may require 2-3 treatment sessions to remove the red spot completely. There is no downtime, and we can remove every red spot on your body during the same session, although we do suggest limiting treatments to 50 spots maximum in one sitting. Other options you may read about include:

  • Cryotherapy- not recommended as they are very likely to scar
  • Electrocautery- this is often not required unless in a hair-bearing area such as the scalp
  • Cut out with scalpel- not recommended unless rapidly growing/changing
How many laser treatments will I need to remove the cherry angioma?

In most cases only one treatment is necessary. Larger stubborn cherry angiomas may require 3-5 sessions. This is uncommon.

Can cherry angiomas be treated with cream?

No, cherry angiomas will not go away with cream.

What causes rosacea?

Rosacea is the result of chronic skin inflammation, usually over the cheeks, nose, and chin. There are multiple factors usually involved including:

  • Genetics
  • Reaction to Demodex mite- mite that lives on the skin
  • Foods
  • Alcohol
  • Sunlight
  • Strenuous exercise
  • Corticosteroids
How is rosacea treated?

Treatment of Rosacea is often multi-dimensional depending on the severity of the condition. General principles of Rosacea treatment include:

  • Avoiding triggers of facial flushing
  • Avoid irritant or oily skincare products
  • Application of sunscreen
  • Avoid steroid creams as this will worsen rosacea
  • Keep the face cool to reduce flushing

Topical rosacea creams or oral tetracycline antibiotics may be prescribed by your cosmetic physician during your complimentary consultation. These can be very useful in the treatment of rosacea. Our laser treatments include the Intense Pulsed Light in treating Rosacea. These are very effective treatments and work well in combination with our prescription cream range.

What are some general measures to treat facial redness and rosacea?

When starting your treatment regimen to reduce redness/rosacea and facial flushing you may find the following general measures helpful:

  • Avoid oil-based facial creams and make-ups.
  • Avoid lengthy, hot showers.
  • Never apply topical steroids to the area. This only provides a short-term improvement at the expense of a long-term worsening.
  • Use sun protection daily.
  • Reduce intake of alcohol and spicy foods.
  • Avoid hot environments (e.g. Bikram yoga/sauna’s etc.).
  • Apply simple moisturisers.
What causes prominent veins and capillaries?

Also known as Telangiectasias or broken capillaries, prominent veins result from broken blood vessels becoming visible on the surface of the skin. They are usually caused by excessive sun exposure, corticosteroid creams, and skin trauma. There are rarer causes that your Cosmetic Physician will assess you for at your complimentary consultation.

Can broken capillaries or prominent veins heal on their own?

No, once damaged these veins remain enlarged and visible to the naked eye. These need to be treated with laser therapies. Creams help to treat the underlying cause, but will not remove veins and capillaries already enlarged and damaged.

Can broken capillaries bleed?

Yes, as capillaries enlarge they are prone to rupturing and bleeding. Particularly when exposed to trauma. This is usually seen as a bruise under the skin, or occasionally outright bleeding.

Can broken capillaries on the face be treated?

Yes. Our laser therapists will direct you to the latest technologies to remove your broken capillaries with the least discomfort and quickest results.

There is no downtime and minimal pain associated with this type of laser treatment. Treatments take less than 5 minutes.

Can broken capillaries and prominent veins fade?

They are unlikely to fade on their own. However, fading or even complete removal is very possible with our gold standard laser technologies.

Why do broken capillaries and prominent veins on the face occur?

These capillaries and veins were always there. The reason you can now see them is that they have become enlarged.

Enlargement of capillaries and veins occurs for a variety of reasons, each requires its own unique treatment regimen to ensure there are no worsening/new capillaries forming.

Regardless of the reason for enlargement, laser or IPL therapy is the most effective method for removal.

What causes broken capillaries on the nose?

The area around the base of the nose where the nostril meets the cheek is a common area for broken capillaries. This is a thin area of skin where capillaries are quite close to the surface and easily visible when they enlarge.

These are comfortably treated with our variety of laser devices.

Are broken capillaries on the face permanent?

If left untreated, yes.

Fortunately, these can be easily removed with our laser therapies.

Are broken capillaries rosacea?

Yes. Rosacea can cause larger visible broken capillaries, along with smaller prominent capillaries that can present as a diffuse redness across the usual rosacea-prone areas (chin, cheeks, forehead and nose).

Are broken capillaries dangerous?

These are most often benign cosmetic concerns. Rarely are they associated with an underlying medical condition. It is important you have any skin change checked by a doctor.

At Elixir Hunter, all doctors are experienced in checking prominent veins and capillaries to ensure they are safely removed and not any more than a cosmetic concern.

Are broken capillaries the same as spider veins?

Yes. Spider veins are a form of broken capillary.

Are telangiectasia broken capillaries?

Yes. There are many terms to describe dilated veins and capillaries. They include:

  • Spider veins
  • Broken capillaries
  • Telangiectasiea
  • Spider Nevi (usually has a specific cause)
  • Prominent veins.
Does alcohol make broken capillaries worse?

Alcohol can increase the appearance of broken capillaries owing to its ability to dilate blood vessels. Often people notice their redness and capillaries appear more prominent when drinking alcohol.

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